
Sites of Interest:


Marine Link.
Headquarters Marine Corps Key Volunteer Homepage.
SITES (Standard Installation Topic Exchange Service) Relocation information.
Life Lines Services Network

Yuma  (These links are a good source of info if transferring to the Yuma area)


Yuma Sun

Yuma Chamber of Commerce

Yuma Area Guide Find almost any business in the Yuma area.

Yuma City Info

Welcome to Yuma

Yuma Convention & Visitors Bureau

Yuma County


MCAS Iwakuni

MCCS Iwakuni 

Virtual Okinawa.
Kids Web Japan (Language, culture, games, and more targeted to elementary and middle school kids.)
National Clearinghouse for U.S.-Japanese Studies (Lesson plans and resources for introducing U.S. students to Japanese culture. Includes On-line publications such as "Rice: It's more than food in Japan.")
OGASAWARA-RYU.COM (etiquette in Japan)

Japanese Newspapers

Japan Update
Okinawa Times [ English ]
Ryukyu Shimpo

Miscellaneous Unofficial Sites

AAFES Army and Air Force Exchange Service

"Japanese and Okinawa Newspaper"and "Miscellaneous" sites are not endorsed by the U.S. Marine Corps.
