Role of The Key Volunteer Network

The commanding Officer (CO) oversees the Key Volunteer Network (KVN) and appoints a Family Readiness Officer (FRO) and all Key Volunteers for a specific period of time.

The FRO is an active duty member of the unit who serves as the communication link between the KVN and the CO.

The Key Volunteer Coordinator (KVC) is the spouse of an active duty member of the unit who coordinates the work of the KVN and serves as the Key Volunteer's link with the CO and FRO.

The Key Volunteers are spouses of members of the unit who serve as the direct link with the families to which they are assigned.

Family Readiness is the responsibility of each Marine; active involvement on the KVN ensures that families are equipped with the information and resources necessary to make good decisions. It is also a valuable tool which should be used to assist in handling unexpected situations.

Get involved in your KVN today!

What does the Key volunteer Network do?

Typical duties of the KVN include: Welcoming incoming families, accurately passing specific information and referrals when needed, and offering moral support during difficult times.

The KVN may sponsor unit activities, publish a newsletter and help with other unit activities as directed by the CO.

Each Family Service Center provides standardized Key Volunteer Training. The interesting and educational training is open to all spouses of active duty Marines and those serving with Marines, whether or not they wish to serve in the KVN. Certificates are presented to all who complete the training. Attending the training is a good way to meet other spouses who share the Marine Corps bond.

Key Volunteer Training is required for those serving in the KVN. You are invited to attend Key Volunteer Training. Call the Family Readiness Service Center at 341-6502 for classes, locations and times.

What are the qualities of an effective Key Volunteer?

A Key Volunteer must be:



A Key Volunteer should also be:

-A good listener
-Willing to adhere to strict rules of confidentiality
-A positive role model

Basic Key Volunteer Training covers:

-The organization of the Marine Corps
-The Key Volunteer Network Structure
-Roles and responsibilities of Key Volunteers
-Communication skills
-Organizational skills
-Resources available through the Marine Corps and local community

Look for Key Volunteer Enrichment Classes from the Family Service Center

What is the Key Volunteer Network?

-Serves as a communication link between the unit and its families.
-Assists in developing and maintaining a sense of community within the Marine Corps unit.
-Is a reliable source of information and referral.

The KVN operates in support of and under the direction of the Marine Unit's CO, with focus on areas which will benefit the families of that particular unit. Key Volunteers complete a standardized basic training course and serve in a network with other appointed and trained Key Volunteers and an active duty FRO.

The Key Volunteer network is outlined in MCO 1754.2A where the roles of those involved in the Network are well defined.

If you are interested in becoming a Key Volunteer contact your unit's FRO or Key Volunteer Office. The numbers can be found HERE.